Liza- опрометчивый романс

“Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.”- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

чердак (A is for Attic)

She loved to watch the dust, in the attic where she and her mother slept, where she watched the dust blanketed over old furniture, over untouched tables and chairs, over delicate china bowls and dollies, over her mother’s pillow. She had not been back for a while now. But this fact was indifferent to Greta…

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Галерея (G is for Gallery)

Art galleries have always scared her. Realities frozen in frames made her feel bland and insignificant, yet, she was drawn to how the essence of life could be captured through brush strokes and pigments.  Art made her look very closely at ordinary things. She caught herself gazing intently at her cutlery or the lifelines of…

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Леca (W is for Woods)

I was going to see the hangman, who lived all alone in the woods. They told me to follow the trail of whiskey bottles and trees scarred with ax blows along the branches. He lived in the center of the woods so it did not matter the route I took to his house and I…

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