Liza- опрометчивый романс

“Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.”- Fyodor Dostoyevsky


опрометчивый русский (recklessly russian)


coming from the motherland of relentless cold,boundless danger,
history, and
has made me see the world in
shades of ivory,
for me
to carve
an adventure
not yet

i take after my culture more than I’d like to admit:
seeing men burst into pubs,
intentions hidden in layers of fur,
the way they do not ask for hot beverages but instead beg for cooled vodka,
making skid marks in their throat and igniting the candle wick twists of their innards
to remind them of the glory they once had when the world
pushed fiery swords down their lungs, and
they savoured

i am like this in a way-
a heart of fire and
fingers frost,
lava stream veins clogged by
numbing love and
writing my name in biting snow

it is because of my culture that makes me
ache for the
conventional inside the
to find the normalcy in my


I would rather have the viscous
nectar of my brilliance
splatter upon
empty black boards
than be among those that
do not possess my
finger print.

it is my russian pride
clogging my intuition
and making me think I
must keep candy in my
mouth even after
it has gone

it is my russian pride provoking me                                                                                                                                                  to be apologetically not myself,
only letting people know the
the rumours,
the lies,

that my country is full of

the russian resistance
i have harbouring
in the crevices of my brain
cause me to feel like i am stuck
in between two extremes:
the light Gray space,
of possessing an
imperial heart and
an intelligentsia mind,
and i fear i don’t know the
limits and I’ll end up
killing the family of
innocents I have lodged in the                                                                                                                                              unpolluted spaces
between my
skull and my

and now my train of thought
has left the station,

and i hope it’s not                                                                                                                                                                                 bad omen and so i
read and
in defense of
not knowing
the answer,                                                                                                                                                                                              of not knowing
and how to make it.

i just want to make it.

i just want to make it
in a world hateful to                                                                                                                                                                            the fact that i
see it in
shades of ivory,
easy to carve.

in a world annoyed by my                                                                                                                                                            syntax and that i need                                                                                                                                                                  prozac to keep going                                                                                                                                                                                when it gets real hard and                                                                                                                                                                     im feeling under                                                                                                                                                                                 attack

but it doesn’t try to
stop me, because
it knows where
i come from,

and where i come from isn’t so                                                                                                                                                        nice,                                                                                                                                                                                                            especially in the                                                                                                                                                                                  winter,                                                                                                                                                                                                  and                                                                                                                                                                                                        even in the                                                                                                                                                                                     relentless cold,                                                                                                                                                                                          i am                                                                                                                                                                                                unstoppable:                                                                                                                                                                                            бешеной собаке                                                                                                                                                                                     семь вёрст не                                                                                                                                                                                  крюк.                                                                                                                                                                                                        (((seven miles isn’t a long route(hook)for a mad dog))))

i am                                                                                                                                                                                  undomesticatable:                                                                                                                                                                    Сколько волка ни                                                                                                                                                                      корми, он всё в                                                                                                                                                                                    лес смотрит.                                                                                                                                                                              ((((however much  you feed a wolf, he keeps looking at the woods anyway)))

i am                                                                                                                                                                                                              recklessly                                                                                                                                                                                                  russian.

This is my ode to my heritage. It is my ode to myself. It is an ode to my flaws and my perspective on the world.

I see the world as a playground, in a way. I see the world the same way I see a blank page. That is why my poem is so spindling and my ideas seem to be erratic and spun out of control. I desperately try to cram everything I think in poetry so I can move on to the undiscovered parts of myself: I only care about what I haven’t discovered. I find pleasure in the journey to the uncharted because I’ve always lived outside my comfort zone, causing me to become accustomed to it, and, ultimately, I get bored.

This is why I am so drawn to theatre, philosophy, history, literature, film, directing, and writing. There is so much I still do not know in those fields and so much I do know that I keep in my pocket. I know I will never run out of the unknown and while this may scare others, it comforts me.

I wrote this poem, keeping in mind everything I know myself to be, concentrating on my Russian origin. I was influenced by the rhythm of the Beat poets and took inspiration from the contrasts and comparisons of Imperial and Soviet Russia, as well as components in my own life such as mental illness, creativity, and the aspects of my life that I’m passionate about. I included Russian idioms and phrases that I relate to and personally love. Russian is such a clever language that a lot of life lessons can be learned from everyday house-hold lectures, and it is one of the factors of my nationality that I hold very close to my heart. Within my poem, I also touched briefly on my fear of being mediocre or not living up to my potential- a huge symptom of being a perfectionist- and so I struggle with my self-worth.

Writing free verse helps me locate and define my problems, so I can string them up in pretty lines and phrases. It helps me pick out what I know and set it decoratively in holiday boxes, so I can stride into the next season with wide eyes and a magnifying glass.

Welcome to my Russian mind, heart and soul.

Welcome to my Russian madness.


Feature image:

Scene from Russian Ark, directed by Alexander Sokurov. Cinematography by Tilman Buttner

February free choicehistorylanguagePoetryriskrussianspoken wordwinter

lizamkv • March 5, 2018

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  1. mbthoughts4321 March 6, 2018 - 9:53 pm Reply

    Oh my god! Your writing is absolutely eye-catching and beautiful. The way you write is so interesting, as well as the detail you use! I love the way your writing gradually shifts when the mood and emotion of your writing does.

    The only place for improvement I would suggest are the few places where you didn’t capitalize the letter “I.” I’m not sure if you did that on purpose or not. If you did, than that’s totally fine. Other than that, though, I didn’t find any place for improvements.

    The way you write is extremely interesting and amazing. I really love the passion you have for your cultural identity. The way your writing shifted in different places, at different times, was really eye-catching as a reader.

    • lizamkv March 7, 2018 - 11:33 pm Reply

      Dearest Maira,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback! The usage of the lower case “i” was intentionally to add to the fact that I’ve lowered myself a bit so I am able to write more vulnerably with the reader. Anyway, I really appreciate your comment and I’m so so glad that you enjoyed reading my piece!

      Yours truly,


  2. claire351 March 8, 2018 - 10:04 pm Reply

    Dearest Elizaveta,

    I adore this. As I’ve known you personally for awhile, I’ve known you to have struggled with your background before. It is so satisfying to see you embrace it. You have such a gift for poetry, and the way the words dance across the page. The richness of the culture is totally encapsulated in this piece, the cultural commonality perfectly explained. It is work like this that inspires me to get into poetry.

    Honestly, things to improve are slim. I’m also not very educated in the world of poetry. I’m not very used to seeing the words jump for line to line, so the effect can be jarring. However, I can assume this is intentional.

    It’s hard not just gush over it. Thank you for broadening my horizons and helping dispel stereotypes I have about Russian culture.



    • lizamkv March 12, 2018 - 5:49 pm Reply

      Dearest Клэр(Claire),

      Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words. Your support means a lot to me and I treasure our friendship so much since we’ve known each other for 7 years now. I’m so so happy that I was able to enhance your opinion on Russian culture, and help you experience poetry.

      Love always,


  3. Ayesha2018 March 11, 2018 - 11:56 am Reply

    Dear Liza,

    To be honest, your piece was the work of a real writer and the voice you presented in your piece was astonishing. The way you used a unique language, which, in this case was “Russian” gave me something to learn meaningfully. In this case, I learned a new language! Moreover, in one of your sentences, you had the usage of “rhyming” such as in, “… the lies, that my country is full of spies”, which, created a smooth transition onto your next stanza. The way you structured your piece as in “stairs” was insightful, giving importance to your differing ideas. Your perspective on the world and linking it your own interests was really creative.

    For improvement, I would suggest that in the summary paragraph when you were explaining your “free verse”, you had one line that stated, “a huge symptom of being a perfectionist- and so I struggle with my self-worth “. In this line, I suggest that you could have explained how being perfectionist affects you in your daily-to daily life so that I could related it your free verse a lot better and understood it with depth. Moreover, I have seen how you explained about why you used the lower case “I’ in most of your sentences. To present your writing with a stronger voice, I suggest you use the capital letter “I” in three of your sentences,( the italicized i) “and in even in the relentless cold, i am unstoppable, i am undomesticatable, and i am recklessly russian”. The reason why I am suggesting those specific “I” to be capitalized is because you present a positive attitude about yourself. Therefore, capitalizing it will show that you really mean it. It can show your positive attitude at the end to be important about you personally, rather than at the beginning, where you described as pain, and only despair.

    Similar to Maira, I feel that your writing shifts according to the mood, which for me, I feel, is difficult to do. Seeing your poetry, I have learned some techniques to write poetry according to mood, which I thank you for that. I am not an expert in poetry, like Claire has stated, I feel that your words do dance across the page. Overall, the hard work and thoughtfulness you took to create this amazing piece was really inspiring for me to read. I hope to read more of your upcoming blogs. Thanks for sharing this!

    Ayesha Mateer

    • lizamkv March 12, 2018 - 5:48 pm Reply

      Dearest Ayesha,

      Thank you so so much for such a detailed, kind, and insightful comment! Your feedback is super helpful and I definitely want to go back and add your suggestions to my piece. I really value your opinion and I’m so flattered that you left me such a fantastic comment.



  4. rania339 March 11, 2018 - 6:53 pm Reply

    Dearest Liza,

    Let me just say I am in awe of your writing. I loved how you put Russian phrases into your poem. It gives it a uniqueness to your writing. When reading your poem the first time I can relate to how you feel about your culture. I’ve had struggles of my own about my own culture. This poem was honestly so amazing and beautiful. I don’t really see any improvements that you could make in this poem. I’m honestly so glad you are one of my TA this semester because all of the ideas you come up with are just mind-boggling and they are just so clever.

    Love, Rania

    • lizamkv March 12, 2018 - 5:38 pm Reply

      Dearest Rania,

      Ah!Thank you so so much for your kind words! I adore being your TA and I just adore you in general!



  5. silentthoughts April 12, 2018 - 7:37 pm Reply

    Dear liza.
    I really love your writing honestly! love how you added Russian into your poem as well it was so different to read. while reading your work i felt like i could really relate to some of the things you wrote about your family so thank you for that. one thing i would work on for you would be keeping in mind of capitalization and punctuation
    Love amrit chera

    • lizamkv April 13, 2018 - 2:59 am Reply

      Dear Amrit,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback! I’m so happy that I my anecdote was able to relate to you in some way. I’ll also be make sure to edit a little more thoroughly to catch GUMPS.

      Thanks again!



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